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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
7th March 2002

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair); Richard Lancaster (Secretary); Brenda & Ralph Lancaster; Joan & Mervyn Clayton; Adam & Carol Bull; Adrian Coltman; Peter Foulston; Gabriel & Caroline Rose; David Miles; Paul Gibson.

  1. Apologies
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 9th January 2002
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Traffic Calming
  1. Funday Saturday 18th May
  2. Action Mornings
  3. AOB
  4. Date of Next Meeting

1. Apologies

Mike Betteridge; Paul Ellis.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 9th January 2002


3. Matters Arising

3.01 Website
Adam and Carol thanked the group for their cheque. They were planning a trip to London and would use it on this.
Adam also provided an update on the website and noted that while there were fewer hits people were spending longer and looking at more pages.

3.02 CIT Grants
Richard noted he had not had chance to put in applications.

4. Traffic Calming

Adrian noted that a group had been set up, which included Gabriel, Caroline and David. They had met briefly with Andy Merckel from LCC Highways to look at options along Gledhow Valley Road. This meeting had noted that:

  • Some works to redesign junction of GVRoad and Gledhow Lane, which would include some pedestrian access.
  • Look at speed limit and weight limit as ways to reduce volume and speed.
  • Agreed to walk down Gledhow Valley Road 25th March starting at 8:30am to look at options, which could then be costed.

There was a discussion around the possible measures and point noted included:

  • Need to try and slow down traffic.
  • General concern over the number of injuries that occur on Gledhow Valley Road.
  • Fastest users were HGV's .
  • Those crossing road may increase as the group repairs paths and redevelopment of Roundhay High School also has potential to increase those crossing Gledhow Valley Road.
  • Need to get on CIT agendas.
  • Use Funday as a way to raise issues.
  • Put details on website.
  • Need to help raise funds for any options that arise.

5. Funday Saturday 18th May

Richard noted that he hoped that everyone was happy with the list of actions for people to undertake.
Adrian noted that he would look at gather information about the Traffic Calming issues.

There was a discussion around publicity, which needed to be addressed and point noted included:

  • Brenda may be able to deliver fliers with her information at the end of April.
  • Joan noted that she would try and talk to the person that delivers the Safeway fliers.
  • Martin noted that Chapel Allerton Methodists Church were holding an event on 16th March and he would put together a note about the Funday.
  • Adam agreed to look at designing a poster for the Funday.

ACTION - Joan/Martin to contact leaflet deliverer for Safeway's.
ACTION - Martin to develop flier/note for Methodist Church event.
ACTION - Adam to look at poster design.
ACTION - Richard forward a copy of last years poster to Adam.

6. Action Mornings

Last Action Morning on Sunday 27th January
Martin noted that this had gone well with another skip being filled with litter and spread out some of the tree planted where the beech had been felled.
(See photos from the Action Morning).

Next Action Morning on Sunday 24th March
Brenda would organise a skip for Allerton Grange Way and noted that the Brackenwoods would be interested in doing some litter collection and she would arrange a skip here also. This was agreed.
The other activity would be path works over muddy ground near the Spa House.

Next on 'Additional' Saturday 27th April
Suggested that one task could be construction more boardwalk.

7. AOB

7.01 Jubilee Grants
Brenda noted that the Council had some small funds for Queens Jubilee celebrations.

7.02 Methodist Church Event
Martin noted that the Chapel Allerton Methodist Church were holding an event on 16th March themed around 'Meaningful work'. He was going to attend.
Joan and Mervyn noted they would attend also.
ACTION - Richard deliver display boards to Martin and more copies of the general information sheet.

8. Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 2nd May 2002 at the 3 Hulets, Harrogate Road, Chapel Allerton.

AGENDA (Provisional)

  1. Apologies
  2. Minutes of the meeting held on 7th March 2002
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Traffic Calming Ideas Update
  5. Funday 18th May Update
  6. Action Mornings
    - Last on Sunday 24th March and Saturday 27th April
    - Next on Saturday 29th June
  7. AOB
  8. Date of next meeting (Thursday 11th July)

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