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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
23rd November 2005

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Paul Ellis, Sian Dodderidge, Ben Wren (Guest on behalf of Clayton Woods).

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 27th October 2005
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Action Mornings
  1. FGVW Annual General Meeting
  2. Grants
  3. Business in the Community
  4. AOB
  5. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Adrian Coltman, Peter Foulston.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 27th October 2005

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Open Gardens Day Donation
    Martin presented the cheque for the donation of £25 from the Open Gardens Day that took place in June around Gledhow Park Road.

  • Ponds Trust
    No further progress on the Ponds Trust visit. Further details on this to follow at a later date.

  • Testing the Bath House Water
    Paul has a contact who will look into testing the water in the Bath House.

  • Christmas Cards
    Adam provided an update on Christmas Card sales. Radish in Chapel Allerton have bought 20 packs to sell in their shop. Paul volunteered to try and sell some at work. Dorothy is hoping to sell some at the Christmas Fayre at St Matthew's Church on Saturday 26th November.

  • New Development?
    Jane, the Labour Councillor, has visited the horses' field as it looks like a possible development site. The Group have concerns over the activities recently been witnessed in the area. Although no planning application forms have been submitted the Group remain vigilant. Paul suggested e-mailing the local councillors so that at least they were aware of our concerns, although the Group do not really have enough evidence yet.

4. Correspondence

  • The next meeting of Leeds Voice is on Tuesday 6th December for anyone interested in wider City issues. This month's speaker is Sarah Weaver.
  • The Group has received a letter from the Allotment Society explaining the benefits of having an allotment.
  • Sian has received some 'ParkForce' pins if anyone is interested.
  • If anyone is interested in attending the 'Tree Warden' events please contact Sian Dodderidge for further details. The next dates and events are as follows:
    Saturday 26th November - Decaying Wood Habitats
    Saturday 3rd December - Scrub Management at Town Close Hills
    Saturday 10th December - Tree Biology
    Saturday 7th January - Coppicing
    Saturday 28th January - Orchards Part One at White House Education Centre
    Saturday 25th February - Orchards Part Two - Middleton
  • The Group has received an invitation to a 'Thank You Evening' from Brenda Lancaster. The invitation is for 2 members to attend on 29th November at 6pm to 8.30pm at the Civic Hall. There is also an option to showcase work done by the Group. Joan and Mervyn Clayton have volunteered to go.

5. Action Mornings

Work continued where Gaz de France left off. Gaz de France had a team building day doing work in the woods. There was an article in the Leeds Weekly News however the Group was disappointed to find that they weren't mentioned despite lending all the equipment and organising help from our local Ranger. Gaz de France have offered to give a donation towards the cost of leaflets, etc. so Elaine has agreed to get some quotes. The Group also staked some of the old oak trees.

For the Action Morning on Sunday 27th November it was suggested that the remainder of the Rhododendrons should be cleared, weather permitting.

There will be no Action Morning in December. The next Action Morning will be on Sunday 15th January 2006. It was proposed that the brambles between the lake and the wall were strimmed and some pruning is to be done near the island. Some brambles will be left ready for nesting in Spring. Martin will ask Elaine if she can attend. Meet near the old car park.

Martin has agreed to arrange a site visit with Elaine. They intend to walk through the woods and identify work needed for future Action Mornings. A proposed Action Morning Plan will be agreed for 2006 taking into account seasonal work.

Next Action Mornings

Sunday 27th November 2005
Sunday 15th January 2006

6. FGVW Annual General Meeting

The Group agreed to have the AGM on Friday 6th January 2006 at Joan and Mervyn Clayton's house.

The positions of Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary are open to anyone who would like to stand. Adam agreed to e-mail the Friends to advertise for nominations.

7. Grants

Joan has spoken to Brenda Lancaster concerning the lack of funds received by the Group form Area Management. We need Grants in place ready for the FunDay in May 2006. Brenda advised that we need to apply for the Area Management Grant before the end of February.

It was suggested that Adrian should contact Area Management as soon as possible but no later than February.

Martin also agreed to contact Elaine concerning other grants which may be available for the FunDay.

8. Business in the Community

The work on the Gabions is still to be agreed. The Group are waiting for the Environmental Authority's approval before arranging for the work to be done by the Business in the Community people. This could take up to 2 months.

Morrisons have been contracted to carry out the work for Yorkshire Water once we have written agreement from the Environmental Authority. The Group hope that agreement will be received soon as the path is being worn away.

9. Any Other Business

  • Bonfire Night
    Joan and Mervyn had received some phonecalls from concerned residents on Bonfire Night. Some local people had a Bonfire party on the field where the Group hold their annual Fun Day. The grass was damaged, fireworks were lit facing the houses opposite and the field was not cleared up afterwards. Elaine had to come and clear away some of the glass that was left behind.
    Joan has found out that this sort of unauthorised event should not take place on council land however the council stated that is was a difficult rule to enforce and police. If a bonfire is constructed on council land between their opening hours then once notified they will come and remove it. If the bonfire is constructed outside of normal council working hours then there is nothing they can do.
    The Friends are concerned that these people are not taking their responsibilities seriously and are urging them to clear the area afterwards. The Group intends to encourage the local residents to discuss their concerns about future bonfire parties and unauthorised use of the field to the Council next year. There was also a suggestion to contact Parks Patrol. Elaine has also given some suggestions to Joan who will pass the information on to the local residents.

  • Clipping in the Woods
    The Group has received some complaints about the clippings being left in the woods, especially after the work was completed to cut back the Rhododendrons. The Group agreed to stack correctly where possible, remove the debris away from pathways and also to look into chipping some of it. The Group would like to strike a balance between leaving the stacks for wildlife and not upsetting the local community.

  • Insurance
    Paul informed the Group that the insurance had been renewed.

  • Internet Banking
    Paul gave advanced notification of details concerning internet banking for the Groups Account which he would like to raise for discussion at the AGM.

  • FGVW Charitable Status
    Paul is also meeting Malcolm on 2nd December to agree and complete the Charitable Status application form. He asked for any volunteers to become trustees.

  • Dead Fox
    Joan told the Group about a dead fox that had been found on Gledhow Valley Road. She notified the council, Elaine and the cleansing person as it had a tag (number 54) in its ear. However, no one knew anything about the fox. Someone suggested that Leeds University may be doing a study on mange and they could be involved so Joan agreed to contact them.

  • Clayton Woods
    Ben Wren attended the meeting as he wanted to share ideas as he is setting up a similar Group in the Clayton Wood area. Various Group members discussed ideas with him.

10. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Annual General Meeting - Friday 6th January 2006, 8pm at Joan & Mervyn's house.
  • Action Morning - Sunday 15th January 2006.

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