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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
15th November 2007

Present: Peter Foulston (Acting Chair), Mike Betteridge, Mervyn & Joan Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Paul Ellis, Trevor & Diane Kitto.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 11th Oct 2007
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. 106 Grant Update
  6. Action Mornings
  1. 157 Gledhow Valley Road Planning Permission
  2. Information Boards & Web Site
  3. Tree Clearance & View Restoration
  4. AOB
  5. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Martin Calvert, Sian Dodderidge, Adrian Coltman, Dorothy Carter, Brenda Lancaster.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 11th Oct 2007

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Defective Tampers
    Two defective tampers bought with the 106 Money have been returned to Screwfix. The money will be refunded to Chris Bolem and then the Group will be able to buy replacements.
  • FGVW on Nature of Britain
    The Group appeared for 17 seconds on the BBC TV programme Nature of Britain.
  • Missing Drain Cover
    A drain cover has been ordered for near the old car park. This will be fitted when the path work has been completed.

4. Correspondence

The Group has received an invitation for 2 people to attend a Volunteer Thank You Event from 6-8.30pm on 13th December at the Civic Hall. Mike, Joan and Mervyn have attended previous events so Peter agreed to go on behalf of the Group.

5. 106 Grant Update

The Group expressed concern over the path work that has been completed by the Council. It is extremely wide and the Group's opinion is that it is off very poor quality, made from inappropriate materials, unlikely to survive heavy rain, and not based on the specifications previously discussed. Some of the existing path work completed by our volunteers has also been covered up.

Mervyn challenged Fred Duff and his colleague at a recent meeting held in Chapel Allerton. They stated that the path needed to be 1.5-2 metres wide to "meet regulations" however the Group believe that it is much wider than this and is an eyesore.

Peter suggested setting up a site meeting with John Casey to discuss the work. He agreed to speak to Martin and agree a suitable time.

The Group were also distressed to find that part of the meadow and wildflower planting areas had been destroyed by having a tractor and a trailer driven through them.

6. Action Mornings

The Action Morning due on Saturday 17th November will consist of constructing decking and planting bulbs. Four tonnes of stone is due to be delivered. Volunteers are to meet at Allerton grange Way near the gas sub-station.

December's Action Morning will be benches and clearing the carriageway. Please meet at Allerton Grange Way near the gas sub-station.

Next Action Mornings

  • Sat 17 Nov 2007
  • Sat 8 Dec 2007
  • Sun 13 Jan 2008
  • Sun 10 Feb 2008
  • Sat 15 Mar 2008
  • Sun 6 Apr 2008

7. 157 Gledhow Valley Road Planning Permission

Martin has submitted an objection on behalf of the Group. There was some debate over whether or not the Group had actually agreed this objection at a previous meeting. It was pointed out that last month the Group agreed that a house was better than the originally proposed flats.

8. Information Boards & Web Site

Adam apologised again that (as discussed at last month's meeting) he has been too busy to prepare the information to go on the new information boards. Martin suggested that the Group pay Adam for some of the work so that it would not have to be fitted into his limited spare time.

Adam provided a list of work outstanding on the web site and estimates of how long it would take to do. He also estimated that it would take 2 days' worth of work to complete the Information Boards.

The Group agreed to pay Adam £20 per hour to a maximum of 16 hours for the artwork needed to complete the Information Boards before Christmas. Paul agreed that there was sufficient funding to do this.

9. Tree Clearance & View Restoration

Mike showed the Group 2 pictures, one taken in 1979 and one taken in 2007. They showed that the area pictured had become very overgrown with ivy and brambles. Mike suggested using volunteer groups from local businesses to clear the area and restore it to its 1970's status. He suggested employees of the Leeds Building Society at Moortown who had expressed an interest in helping the Group.

The Group had also discussed previously asking Co-Op employees to help clear the carriageway.

If the Group did not get any other volunteers then they agreed that this work would be scheduled for the 2008 Action Mornings.

Paul expressed concern about the possibility of too much clearing. Previously the Group had left some brambles to provide ground cover for birds and other animals. It was suggested that this should be left until the island was being cleared and then the Group would consult with John Casey.

10. AOB

  • Community and City Pride Awards
    Martin has entered the Group for the Community and City Pride Awards and has used the gabion project.
  • Cycling in the Woods
    Dorothy has been in discussion with the workmen constructing the path over the increase in cyclists using the wood. She has asked if No Cycling signs will be installed.
  • Local Matters
    Joan told the Group that there were plans to reduce the speed limit to 20mph in the new year in the Gledhow Park/Pastures/Hawthorne area. She also informed the Group that some trees had been cut down near Yorkshire Bank in Chapel Allerton and that two of the buildings in the area were due to be demolished. Chapel Allerton is also hoping to work towards extending the conservation area currently covering Gledhow Valley.
  • Gabions
    Mervyn informed the Group that the Council had some spare gabions if the Group needed them. The Group agreed to plan when to put them in during next years Action Mornings.
  • Norwich Union Grant
    Carol has received £315 from Norwich Union as part of their Volunteer Plus programme which the Group may choose how to use.
  • Edward Waddington Plaque
    Adam has visited Leeds Parish Church and found the plaque for Edward Waddington that Joan found details on in an old book.
  • Tesco Grant
    Tesco hasn't sent in the grant promised for the FunDay yet. Paul has re-sent the correspondence.
  • Insurance for the Group
    Paul confirmed that the insurance for the Group has been renewed for another year.
  • AGM
    A date of 4th January 2008 was suggested for the AGM but this needs to be discussed and agreed with Martin.

11. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sat 17 Nov 2007
  • Core Group Meeting - Thu 6 Dec 2007 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club, Gledhow Lane)
  • Action Morning - Sat 8 Dec 2007
  • Core Group Meeting - Thu 10 Jan 2008 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club, Gledhow Lane)
  • Action Morning - Sun 13 Jan 2008
  • Core Group Meeting - Thu 7 Feb 2008 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club, Gledhow Lane)
  • Action Morning - Sun 10 Feb 2008
  • Core Group Meeting - Thu 13 Mar 2008 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club, Gledhow Lane)
  • Action Morning - Sat 15 Mar 2008
  • Core Group Meeting - Thu 3 Apr 2008 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club, Gledhow Lane)
  • Action Morning - Sun 6 Apr 2008

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