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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
6th January 2014

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adrian Coltman, Adam & Carol Bull, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Jenny Page.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 9th December
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Action Mornings
  1. FGVW Christmas Cards
  2. Risk Assessments
  3. Anual General Meeting (AGM)
  4. AOB
  5. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Mervyn & Joan Clayton, Paul Ellis.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 9th December

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Brackenwoods Meadow
    No one has checked if Leeds North East Homes have cut the meadow.
  • FGVW Banners & Merchandise
    Adam has looked into the prices for banners, notepads and notebooks. Banners similar to those we have had in the past now cost around £36 each or £107.50 for three (plus VAT and postage). From VistaPrint, 100 notebooks would cost £300 plus VAT and postage and 100 notepads would cost £260 plus VAT plus postage. The Group decided to go ahead with the banner. Martin to agree the wording with Paul.

4. Correspondence

The Leeds Forum will be meeting again in the New Year. This includes friends groups, cemeteries, bee keepers and residents associations so covers a wide range of topics. Martin has the details if anyone would like to attend.

5. Action Mornings

  • Sunday 15 December 2013
    4 tons of stone were used in path repair. Over 20 volunteers attended the event.

Future Action Mornings

Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):

  • Sunday 12 January 2014
    There will be no path work this month. Volunteers to meet at the gas sub-station on Gledhow Valley Road near to the junction with Allerton Grange Way. There is a lot of litter in this area so there will be litter picking, pruning and general clearance activities. This will also allow Paul to sort out the end of year accounts as the Group will not be spending any money this week!

  • Sunday 16 February 2014
  • Saturday 15 March 2014
  • Sunday 13 April 2014
  • Sunday 4 May 2014

6. FGVW Christmas Cards

Adam is waiting for returns and money from Christmas card sellers. A report will be produced for the next meeting or the AGM if possible.

7. Risk Assessments

Joan has reviewed the risk assessments and made various comments and amendments especially relating to bee and wasp stings, that children attend action mornings with a parent or guardian who must stay with them and that the group avoid any lone working. The sign-in book will also include a column so that volunteers can sign out too. There was also a comment regarding the Ranger giving safety talks at the start of the Action Morning. The Group currently doesn't have a Ranger so Martin is going to check with the Council if we can nominate a "competent person" to do this instead.

Martin will send our comments to the Leeds City Council so that they can be agreed and signed off for another year.

8. Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Nominations are invited for the positions of Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. If you would like to nominate anyone please contact Martin.

The date for the AGM is Friday 24 January 2014 at the Three Hulats pub. Food will be served at 7.30pm and the meeting will start at 8pm. All volunteers welcome.

9. AOB

  • Logs Near the Lake
    The logs near the bottom end of the lake are disintegrating and there is the potential danger of vehicles gaining access to the meadow. The Group suggested that the fallen horse chestnut tree on Allerton Grange Way be used to replace the logs. Martin has raised this with Leeds City Council who has agreed that something needs to be done, but so far no action has been taken.
  • Three Hulats' Farmers Market
    The Group sold £100 worth of merchandise at the Farmers Market at the Three Hulats on Christmas Eve. The Group appreciated Martin and Adrian's efforts and suggested that they might want to do it again next year. Suggestions were also made to sell Christmas cards at a stall in Chapel Allerton this year and also Chirpy's if Radish stops selling cards.

10. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 12 Jan 2014
  • AGM - Fri 24 Jan 2014
  • Core Group Meeting - Mon 10 Feb 2014 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 16 Feb 2014
  • Action Morning - Sat 15 Mar 2014
  • Action Morning - Sun 13 Apr 2014
  • Action Morning - Sun 4 May 2014
  • FunDay - Sat 14 Jun 2014

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