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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
24th Aug 2015

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adam and Carol Bull, Mervyn & Joan Clayton, Diane & Trevor Kitto, Naomi Watts-Kitto, Adam Bowler, Mike Betteridge, Adrian Coltman, Stephen Tyndale-Biscoe, Phil Meadley, Steve Jones-Blackett.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 20th May 2015
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Action Mornings
  6. Audrey's Meadow
  1. Planning Application Appeal
  2. The Lake
  3. Stone Wall
  4. Heritage Open Day
  5. AOB
  6. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Malcolm Robertson, Paul Ellis.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 20th May 2015

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising


4. Correspondence


5. Action Mornings

  • Saturday 18 July 2015
    There were approximately 24 volunteers. The meadow got its final big clearance.

Future Action Mornings

Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):

  • Sunday 30 August 2015
    Activities to include meadow preparation and litter picking, as last Action Morning. Volunteers to meet on the carriageway in the woods, near the lake jetty.
  • Sunday 4 October 2015
    The plan is to start planting the meadow in October. Volunteers to meet where Gledhow Valley Road meets Gledhow Lane.

6. Audrey's Meadow

The Group has received three grants. Green Leeds gave us half of what we asked for and suggested we obtained some matched funding. The Group was successful in obtaining a National Lottery Grant and found the whole process really simple and quick under the A4A Light pilot. The Group received £2,000 on the proviso that we give the Big Lottery Fund acknowledgements through displaying a plaque and stickers etc. The Group also received a £1,000 grant through the Aviva Community Fund.

There will be a large amount of plug planting to do. It has been decided to divide the area into 10 or 12 plots and divide the plugs amongst them. We are expecting 4,000 plugs plus seeding. The seed needs to be ordered. The Group intend to get local children involved in the planting. Gledhow School has agreed that the children came attend on their own day of planting. The rest will be completed on the Action Morning on 4th October 2015.

It has taken the Group 2 years of hard work to get this far.

The Group has also received money to replace the old nest boxes with more sustainable ones that will last for 25 years, be easier to clean and harder to vandalise.

7. Planning Application Appeal

Joan provided the Group with a summary of the planning application on Gledhow Valley Road so far. The application was rejected but it has now gone to appeal. Joan has e-mailed Councillor Jane Dowson to ask what the community and the Group can do. She explained that we do not need to do anything else as the comments received previously will be passed on as part of the Appeal process. However, people can comment again if they would like to add some information not given previously. Steve has tried submitting some comments but can't view them so he has also written to them.

The Group believe that the Bradley Stankler Appeal Report shows some inaccuracies so would like to comment on this paper. For example, the report states that there is just a 6 minutes walk to reach one of four bus stops. Also the report does not back up some of the points with any evidence. They haven't looked into the drainage and sewage issues raised as major concerns previously. The drains people raised 14 issues that need to be resolved before the building could go ahead. The Group feel that this needs to be addressed in the Appeal. The land owners are applying for outline planning which will then this will give them the opportunity to sell the land to planners for more money. The report also states that all the footpaths are lit and have been adopted by the Council. The Group has raised concerns about the pavement that has been lost through neglect on one side of Gledhow Valley Road but this has not been mentioned. There were a lot of points raised in the report that have annoyed members of the Group.

The Group discussed who to respond to the report and decided to respond both as a Group and as individuals. Some members had already tried and had problems with the council's online system. It was decided to let everyone know that they could use the online system, write and post directly or e-mail their letters to us and we would collate centrally and send in the post. Steve agreed to draft an e-mail on how to respond for Adam to send out to members. The closing date for comments is 21 September 2015.

CARA and Chapel A Today have a massive reach by Social Media. The group discussed how they could link in so that they got a high volume of responses with the key areas of focus being that the area is a conservation area and on the drainage and sewage issues.

Martin, Adrian and any others will pull together a response to the Appeal Report. The Group were also made aware that there was going to be an article about it on BBC Look North but it was not known when this would be shown.

Another item in the Report was that it stated that the four lines of trees would not be cut down but the Group questioned if this would be the case as the trees blocked visibility.

The Group also discussed contacting the Catholic Church who own the land as they did not feel that this appeal process was a good use of church funds. Adrian suggested a meeting with the Bishop or nominated person to clarify the points in the report.

Steve's company has kindly agreed to pay the postage for this campaign.

8. The Lake

There was a meeting today with the Becks Inspector and Phil. Balancing lakes across Leeds are now being left to silt up. The lake in Gledhow is expected to stop being a balancing lake in the next 20/30 years. It costs millions to clear out the lakes especially the ones like Gledhow that also contains pathogens from sewage and the council is not prepared to spend the money on this.

The level of the lake had dropped, however due to the heavy rain over the weekend this was not seen to be the case on the visit. It was thought that the level of water had not dropped but the silt will have increased so this will impact on the long term future of the valley. It was suggested that the Group start looking at preventative measures and look at introducing a reed bed.

9. Stone Wall

Christine Osborne form Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group has applied for a Proceeds of Crime grant to help replace the stone and fix the stone wall. It is estimated that this would cost around £3,000. The wall was damaged by a car accident and FGVW has tried numerous times to get it fixed and prevent the fallen stone from being stolen.

10. Heritage Open Day

Joan and Mervyn have spent some time already cleaning the Bath House. Mervyn and Martin to check prior to the Heritage Open Day that the top isn't slippery. The original meeting with Mervyn and Vicki Nunns to look at the state of the Bath House was cancelled but it will hopefully take place on 25 August at 3pm. There has been some damage to the roof and people have been lighting fires inside it. The Bath House should still be cleaned and ready to be opened at the Heritage Open Day in September.

The Group will open the Bath House to the public on Sunday 13th September from 1.30pm to 4.30pm. We need pop-ups, bunting, display kits, tables and refreshments. Mike agreed to be the life guard again! Volunteers to meet up at 12.30pm to help set up and speak to the public. Also all cakes and home made refreshments welcome.

Mike has been contacted by the Women's Institute to give a walk and talk in the woods. He suggested that they came on the Bath House Open Day.

The Group also decided to let people know about the planning application appeal on the day.

11. AOB

  • A kingfisher has been spotted on the lake.
  • The giant hogweed has been treated in the woods.
  • The scouts in Chapel Allerton are working on their conservation badge and need a job to do for 20 scouts aged between 11 and 14 years old. Members of the Group do not have the necessary checks to do this alone so a suggestion was made for them to have a planting day in the woods provided that their leaders come and supervise at all times. They could also do bulb planting and litter picking at future action mornings.
  • Adam Bowler has reported a lime tree that has fallen into the road and taken out a lamp post.
  • Diane has been sent information on the Roundhay School Fair. Martin will sort it out online.
  • A willow tree is leaning on the path near the Bath House. Martin has reported this to Justin at the Council. He has also sent Mike's report on the state of the lime trees.
  • The drains in the area have been swept but around 50% of them are blocked.
  • There is concern over the bamboo in the woods and that either it hasn't been sprayed or it is fighting back.
  • There is a horse in the field. The owner has found a way to get the horse into the field without having to unlock the padlock on the main gate.
  • At the end of June 2016 the balsam will need removing near the flats and area currently undergoing planning permission. The Group has offered to help the residents to remove it in the area near the pig field to avoid it from spreading any further.
  • It was asked if David Blackham, the Park Ranger, was coming to the Bath House and if he needed to. It was confirmed that we did not need a Ranger as we were covered by the Open Heritage insurance for that day.
  • Mike has issued an e-mail to some of the members regarding the rare field maples as one has fallen down. Martin has passed this information on to Justin at the Council.
  • Adam Bowler has set up a community event to raise money for St. Gemma's Hospice and FGVW taking place on 10th October. He has posted details on the Facebook page.

12. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 30 Aug 2015
  • Bath House Open Day - Sun 13 Sep 1.30pm - 4.30pm
  • Core Group Meeting - Mon 28 Sep 2015 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 4 Oct 2015
  • Core Group Meeting - Mon 26 Oct 2015 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 1 Nov 2015
  • Core Group Meeting - Mon 30 Nov 2015 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 6 Dec 2015

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