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FGVW Annual General Meeting
27th March 2018

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adrian Coltman, Joan & Mervyn Clayton, David Miles, Geoff Holden, Stephen Tyndale-Biscoe, Adam & Carol Bull, Kay Woodward, Steve Jones-Blackett, Steve Johns, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Naomi Watts-Kitto, Paul Ellis, Jenny Page, Malcolm Robertson, Louise Gibson (LCC Ranger), Mike Betteridge, Liz Brightwell (GVCAG), Teresa Williams, Dorothy Carter, Eveline Diemunsch, Andrew J Smith, Janet Leveridge, Peter Foulston, Christine Osborne (GVCAG), Josephine Hurst.

Apologies for Absence: None.
  1. Annual Statement of Accounts for the period 11 October 2016 - 30 November 2017
  2. Trustees Annual Report
  3. Vote to appoint MARTIN CALVERT as Chair of FGVW
  1. Vote to appoint PAUL ELLIS as Treasurer of FGVW
  2. Votes to elect Trustees of the CIO
  3. Any other business permitted by the Constitution of the CIO

1. Annual Statement of Accounts for the period 11 October 2016 - 30 November 2017

Documents relating to the Annual Statement of Accounts can be downloaded below:

Paul distributed copies of the accounts and explained that this year there is a new column showing restricted funds. This is for funding/grants designated for a specific purpose that has been agreed by the provider. The notes include a breakdown of the restricted funds and the current situation including the lake project, meadows, fund for tree work etc.

As a CIO we don not have to have the accounts audited as we are below £250k but we could be subject to an independent examination over £25k.

The Deposit Account includes funds that will cover major risks to prevent us form becoming insolvent. This includes expenditure we would still be required to pay in the event that the FunDay is cancelled. The Action Mornings are covered by our insurance.

The notes also confirm that the Trustees do not make any money.

Paul thanked Joan and Mervyn for the invoicing and Joan and Steve for helping with the funds information for the sale form merchandise and events. Paul thanked all those who helped with providing information for the accounts.

Paul mentioned that we need a Reserve Policy and an Income Policy. We already have a Safeguarding Policy but Risk Reporting is still to do. The Trustees will need to establish a budget for next year. The Trustees will also assess if we would like to have an independent examination and we may look at the movement of funds. A receipt form is also needed for donations.

Gift aid was raised at the last AGM. Paul has done some investigating and found it is not worth the amount of administration for such small returns.

A question was raised about the independent examination to which Paul replied that we would need someone in the business who can provide help and support to do this. The cost is usually around £100 for small charitable organisations.

Votes to accept the Annual Statement of Accounts:
20 votes for, 0 votes against, 0 votes abstain

2. Trustees Annual Report

The Trustees Annual Report can be downloaded below:

Martin went through the details of the report with the Group.

It was raised that the Lake Action Group (LAG) was holding a public consultation on 17th April at 7.30pm at the Methodist Church and that it would be good to publicise it and get as many people as possible to attend. This is to get feedback on the plans for the lake and surrounding area. A survey has also been developed to obtain public feedback for the Heritage Lottery Fund application.

Joan provided feedback and a graph showing the number of volunteers attending Action Mornings from 2014 to 2017. 2017 was one of the highest numbers of volunteers over the year with an average of 33 for both Saturdays and Sundays. The figures were over 10 months and excluded the FunDay and the Bath House Open Day. In April we got a record number of 53 volunteers for one Action Morning.

Adam provided information on the website and social media statistics. Website visitors fell during 2017 following the huge rise in 2016. The percentage of access via mobile devices rose slightly by 2%, meaning that around half the website views are via mobile devices. E-mail list numbers remained steady. Twitter followers and Facebook likes continue to grow steadily thanks to Steve JB and Carol.

Kay, as our resident expert on meadows and botany, provided a report on the work done on the new field. The field was surveyed in August 2016 where over 41 species of plant were found and 13 different species of grass. The field is classified as "unimproved" which means that no chemicals have been used. This makes the grassland very rare with only 3% of land being unimproved. Meadow ants were also found as well as 3 types of bumble bee.

The Open Meadow Day is on 7th July this year so we are hoping to do an Open Field Day similar to last year. This year we will also be looking at somewhere for the grass cuttings to go. We are also looking to extend the pond to provide more habitat. There was a discussion on scything and Pete mentioned there was a growing number of scythers we may be able to call on and Louise mentioned about a group of corporate people she may be able to enlist to help us.

Votes to accept the Annual Report:
20 votes for, 0 votes against, 0 votes abstain

3. Vote to appoint MARTIN CALVERT as Chair of FGVW

20 votes for, 0 votes against, 0 votes abstain

4. Vote to appoint PAUL ELLIS as Treasurer of FGVW

20 votes for, 0 votes against, 0 votes abstain

5. Votes to elect Trustees of the CIO

    20 votes for, 0 votes against, 0 votes abstain
    20 votes for, 0 votes against, 0 votes abstain
    20 votes for, 0 votes against, 0 votes abstain
    20 votes for, 0 votes against, 0 votes abstain

Thanks to Jenny and Janet for completing the vote counting.

6. Any other business permitted by the Constitution of the CIO

Joan asked if the changes to the Constitution in line with CIO status was completed and if so a copy if needed for the volunteers action morning book. Paul confirmed that it had but we need to add on our logo. A copy is on the website.

A concern was raised over a number of swings that had been put in the trees in the woods and if the Group was liable for any damage or accidents. LCC is liable if any civil action is taken.

A concern was raised over the public using chainsaws in the wood to take away felled trees. LCC confirmed that the public are not allowed to do this but it is difficult to challenge.

Christine from the Gledhow Valley Conservation Action Group told the group about some books and maps produced by a small group in Headingley with Matthew Belwood, a local story teller and brought examples. The information is on local history including "On My Road". Chapel Allerton are interested in doing a new neighbourhood plan. Christine thought it would be a good idea for all the groups to link up and also see if we can produce other creatives for the Gledhow area. David said that this would tie in with the LAG and the Heritage Lottery Fund and it would be good to do this with involvement from the local community. Christine stressed it would be good to come together and utilise other people's skills.

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