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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
19th November 2018

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), David Miles, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Carol Bull, Geoff Holden, Steve Jones-Blackett Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Jenny Page, Adrian Coltman, Kay Woodward, Andy Collier.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 22nd October 2018
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Action Mornings
  6. Lake Action Group (LAG)
  7. Fruit Tree Planting
  1. The Meadows
  2. Trustees Report
  3. Christmas Fairs/Sales/Cards
  4. Future Dates
  5. Snooker Social
  6. AOB
  7. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Adam Bull, Naomi Watts-Kitto, Paul Ellis.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 22nd October 2018

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Police Forum update was that Councillor Jane Dowson has e-mailed the police to notify them of the turf that was stolen.
  • Mervyn has come up with a plan for dealing the rotting benches. He will have a go with one of them to see if it works and if so the same technique can be applied to the others.

4. Correspondence

  • None.

5. Action Mornings

  • Sunday 28 October 2018
    There were 24 volunteers and the meadow was raked. There was some beech thinning and prickly bushes were planted near the Bath House to increase security.

Future Action Mornings

Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):

  • Sunday 25 November 2018
    There is some planting to do near the Bath House. The Group are planting prickly bushes to aid security. There will also be beech thinning, litter picking and general tidying up around the Bath House and railings. There was also a discussion on the area between the Bath House and stream and to try and keep this natural. Martin agreed to speak to Parks & Countryside to see if they could stop cutting it back and also if they would like some spare fencing back. Volunteers to meet at the Bath House.
  • Sunday 16 December
    The Action Morning on 8th Dec is to be changed to Sunday 16th December so that volunteers can do an FGVW stall at Oakwood Artisan & Craft Market and a pop-up at the Co-op in Chapel Allerton. The next Steering Group meeting will stay as Monday 3rd December.

6. Lake Action Group (LAG)

David provided the Group with an update. The Lottery bid has been completed and is waiting to be signed off at the next Trustees Meeting. The trustees have been looking at it in advance so there shouldn't be any delays. The Co-op funding has ended and the Group will get £5,200. There will be a pay-out celebration day on 24th November so Martin, David and Steve are going to go into the branch to talk about their work. Adrian to supply David with the display boards and banners. The decision on funding for on-going maintenance for the silt traps is due this week and is required in writing. Steve asked if we could re-visit the silt traps with a group of volunteers, with the appropriate clothing and risk assessments, to see if the work done in February is working correctly. One of the contractors the Group previously contacted about work around the lake has been in touch to see if we still require his services as he has set up another company. It is likely that we will as we need to obtain quotes form 3 different companies as part of the tendering process.

The Lottery grant people would like to see how a "job taster" scheme would work with the contractor on the lake project.

Asda has confirmed that FGVW are their chosen Community Fund charity for January. This will be for £500.

David has been looking at crime figures in the area around the woods to see if they have increased or decreased. There have been reports of assaults and sexual assaults in the area but not in the woods.

7. Fruit Tree Planting

Chapel Allerton in Bloom received funding from Leeds Community Fund have got 20 fruit trees to plant. They have asked the Group how they feel about planting them in the FunDay field. They would have to get permission from Leeds City Council as it is their land but the Group were pleased to be asked. The Group decided that it would be good to put them in the triangle area near the cycle lane or along the end of the field near Gledhow Valley Road in a cluster. Consideration needs to be given to accessibility and grass cutting. Permission will need to be given by Leeds City Council and the Highways Commission.

8. The Meadows

All the meadows have been cut apart from the main field. Kay has met with DB landscapes and he quoted £400 to cut the meadow but not take away the grass. He didn't think cutting it would be the right thing to do. Also, the grass can not be baled as it is the wrong sort of grass. There are wildflowers in the meadow which mean that it has been grazed in the past. The Group need to consider different maintenance methods and if they want to keep the wildflowers it may need to be grazed again.

Kay has spoken to Urban Buzz and Meanwood Valley Farm about the possibility of putting livestock in the new field. The Group had concerns over liability for the animals, insurance and transporting the animals. Kay to investigate further and ask Meanwood Valley Farm for advice.

The Group also plan to remove the piles of debris in the meadow at a future Action Morning.

9. Trustees Report

The Trustees Meeting is on Monday. They will be adopting Health & Safety and Equal Opportunities policies.

10. Christmas Fairs/Sales/Cards

A volunteers rota was used at the last event which worked very well so the same method will be used at the Oakwood Artisan & Craft Fair this Saturday. The event is from 10am to 3pm. Adrian and Jenny to cover 10am-12pm, Kay covering at 1pm and Joan and Mervyn from 1pm to 3pm.

There is another event on 8th December which goes on until 5pm. A pop-up stall in Chapel Allerton was proposed for that day instead and 9th December proposed for a pop-up at The Three Hulats.

11. Future Dates

Martin suggested the following dates for Action Mornings: Sunday January 30th 2019, Sunday February 10th 2019, Saturday March 23rd 2019, Sunday April 28th 2019.

He also suggested changing the Steering Group Meeting night from Monday to Tuesday. The club is very popular for meetings on Mondays but Tuesdays are quiet. The Group need to think about it and see if they can still attend if the day changes.

12. Snooker Social

Martin and Adrian are going to the Gledhow Sports & Social Club on 27th November to play snooker. All other members are welcome to join them.

13. AOB

  • At the Chapel Allerton Christmas lights switch on Councillor Jane Dowson praised the work done with the war memorial and thanked the volunteers and CARA for a great community effort. Well done to all the members of the Group involved.
  • Geoff re-iterated his idea to put signs up in the woods highlighting the work done by the Group. The Group agreed to fund a laminator for Geoff so that he could do the signs and put them up in the woods.
  • Geoff also mentioned getting enamel badges for members to wear. Steve agreed to get some quotes.
  • A large branch has come down over the path between the lake and the Bath House. Justin has been made aware of it and it is on the list of jobs to do. There are also posters in the woods explaining about the numbers and coloured dots on some of the trees and to contact Justin with any questions. The trees with numbers on will have their crowns lifted.
  • A bungalow has been demolished in the Allerton Park area and flats have been built. Another house next door has become vacant and there was a concern that this will also be made into flats.
  • Kay has been looking into the land left uncut near the Bath House. Ben has been told to cut it from the other side of the stream to the Bath House but leave the other area uncut. Kay to send details to Urban Buzz to get advice on what to plant in the area.
  • Adrian is looking into grants available. He asked the Group if there was anything specific we needed money for. Ideas included a new trailer, new tools and path materials.
  • Adrian asked the Group how they would feel about an outing to the local refuse and energy recycling plant. They accept community groups with a minimum size of 6 people. Some members were particularly excited about this so Adrian agreed to organised for a Monday or Tuesday.

14. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 25 Nov 2018
  • Steering Group Meeting - Mon 3 Dec 2018, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 16 Dec 2018 (previously Sat 8 Dec)

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