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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
10th March 2020

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Trevor & Diane Kitto, David Miles, Geoff Holden, Stephen Johns, Jill Darlington, Jenny Page, Theresa Williams, Naomi Watts-Kitto, Steve Jones-Blackett.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held11th February
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Action Mornings
  6. FGVW Finance Update
  7. Pond Restoration
  1. Heritage Lottery Fund Update and Community Engagement
  2. Trustee Meeting Minutes
  3. Trustees Report
  5. AOB
  6. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Stephen Tyndale-Biscoe, Adam & Carol Bull.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 11th February

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Plaque on bench - Mervyn to attach one once the family has agreed wording.
  • Allerton Grange Fields - Still unclear on what work is being carried out , possibly drainage related?

4. Correspondence


5. Action Mornings

  • Sunday 15th March
    Work to include finishing top dusting paths, clearing leaves from in front of dead hedge, finishing dead hedge by the new pond and litter picking.
  • Sunday 26th April
    Work to include replanting and seeding "Audrey's meadow" with new flowers to help it's recovery after lake works during the winter, and litter picking.

Future Action Mornings

Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):

  • To be decided.

6. FGVW Finance Update

The Treasurer briefly updated everyone on funds but noted that there would be a detailed breakdown for the AGM in March.

Funds stand at: General Funds £16354; Lake Fund £8365; Lake Park Funds for pond £2500 of which most had been spent on pond refurbishment with the residue for planting around the pond.

7. Pond Restoration

The pond is nearly finished, only the dipping platform is needed from Ian Henderson contracting. A dry hedge will be placed around one side. Stakes have been put in place for a dead hedge with the work to finished at the next Action Morning. Signs for the pond will need to be put in place. Martin will contact Lee at LCC to do this. LCC will then put the pond on their register and produce a sign.

Frogspawn has been spotted in the pond in Beck Pasture.

8. Heritage Lottery Fund Update and Community Engagement

This was led by David.

  • Touchstone, a mental health charity, will be holding an event in the woods including music, food and wood craft activities. Date to be confirmed.
  • 3 interpretation boards - 2 are in place with a 3rd as yet to be installed. Very positive feedback about them.
  • Leaflet - Pocket Parks have not yet produced it, but will soon.
  • Benches will be arriving on 9th April and will be installed in time for the community events.
  • Talking bench - Very positive acceptance from the Group. Need to think how to indicate it's use.
  • RVS - Weekly walks commencing monthly starting on 13th May 2020. Adam to promote in the FGVW Update e-mail.
  • Bankside Primary School - Will be planting a new hedge at the entrance to the woods.
  • Underplanting of dead hedge around lake - This can take place at the next Action Morning if there are sufficient volunteers.
  • Hillcrest School has agreed to have swift boxes. Martin to liaise with the school.
  • Funding - Pocket Parks evaluation needs to be completed, as well as looking at additional grants and funding available, especially as grant deadlines are tight for the Post Code Lottery Fund.

At this point the Steering Group had a full discussion regarding future projects, their time scales and consultation with the Steering Group as to their focus and what should be done in the valley. It was agreed that:

  • If possible, Post Code Lottery ideas should be circulated to Trustees and if approved in principle, should be circulated to the Steering Group for a decision before the deadline. Final decisions to rest with Trustees.
  • A full discussion should take place at the AGM (24th March 2020), as originally intended, so that all members of FGVW could have the opportunity to take part and prepare/ think about what their views were for the future projects and focus of the group.

The Group went on to discuss the Lake Celebration Event. This was led by Jill. She outlined the following events/ideas:

  • Lord Mayor has agreed to come and open the event
  • 5/6 pop up tents would be required
  • Various stalls: Refreshments, TLC, Bug Hunt, Craft Area, Hedgehogs
  • Choir
  • Information boards
  • Small plant stall
  • Photo exhibition
  • Guided walk around information boards in woods
  • P.A. - Adrian to source
  • Cost and ordering - Please can Steve be kept informed

9. Trustee Meeting Minutes

After a group discussion it was decided to circulate Trustee minutes to all members when they become available.

10. Trustees Report

No meeting to report on.


The FGVW AGM will be on the 24th March 2020. A report will be e-mailed to all members in advance of the meeting.

Projects is on the agenda as a follow up to this meeting.

There may be the need to review the meeting in light of Coronavirus and advice from the government.

12. AOB

  • End of lake clearance - The end of the lake has not been cleared well and lots of debris is left or has been ignored by contractors (Duffys). This will be drawn to the attention of our partners LCC at the next meeting.
  • There have been very few crocus flowers from the planting in December.
  • Two old hot water boilers are available. Suggested asking Steve Johns if they are any good for the Scouts, if not Mervyn can dispose of them.
  • A member of the public has expressed concerns that the swans seem unhappy and have not built a nest. Martin suggested that it is still early in the nesting season and should await developments, but they may be too old to breed now.

13. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 15 Mar 2020
  • FGVW AGM - Tue 24 Mar 2020 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Steering Group Meeting - Tue 21 Apr 2020, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 26 Apr 2020
  • Action Morning - Sun 10 May 2020

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