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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
8th December 2022

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Trevor & Diane Kitto, Jeremy Kitto, Steve Jones-Blackett, Adrian Coltman, Carol Bull, Joan & Mervyn Clayton, David Miles, David Lumb.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 17th November 2022
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Trustees Update
  6. Action Mornings
  1. Heritage Lottery Fund Project Update
  2. FGVW Christmas Social
  3. FGVW Christmas Cards
  4. AOB
  5. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Adam Bull, Theresa Williams, Jenny Page.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 17th November 2022

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • A meeting has been organised with Duffy's on 12th December to discuss clearing the end of the lake.
  • Adrian is to re-arrange a date to meet with the Co-op for the Community Fund donation presentation.

4. Correspondence


5. Trustees Update

The Trustees meeting was held on Tuesday 29th November. Nothing was discussed that hasn't already been discussed within the Group.

  • The Trustees have agreed to pay £300 for Outsource to audit the accounts. Although we haven't reached the threshold for auditing it was agreed that this was good practice.
  • The Safeguarding Policy covering children has been extended to include vulnerable adults.
  • The Trustees also discussed the damage done to one of the footpaths and are looking into how this can be repaired.

6. Action Mornings

  • Sunday 27 November
    A lot of planting took place as the Group had received several hundred saplings. A hedgerow was planted at the Bath House, other areas were planted with hazel and gorse. A group of 10 University students on an environmental studies course also volunteered and did a great job. There was a lot of excellent feedback on the refreshments available.
  • Sunday 18 December
    The Group is aiming to finish off as many jobs as possible before the end of the year. There is some hazel to plant and some left over stone to use up. There was a discussion on repairing "Mrs Hudson's Steps" but it was decided to do this in January and Mervyn would order more stone.
    Volunteers to meet at the junction of Gledhow Lane and Gledhow Valley Road.

7. Heritage Lottery Fund Project Update

David provided an update for the Group.

David has been working on the Veolia application for £75K. The deadline is the 6th January. A draft has been completed and is being reviewed by Parks & Countryside and Groundworks. The Trustees will also need to review it.

Some supplementary items are needed including a letter from the Group stating that they will add £7.5K of funding as part of the donation. The donation was approved at the meeting and Martin will draft the letter. A 2 minute video is also required explaining the problems the Group are trying to solve. Martin will ask if Liam can support with the technicalities of editing a video.

8. FGVW Christmas Social

The FGVW Christmas Social will be at The Three Hulats in the room upstairs from 7.30pm on Thursday 15th December. Food will be provided and currently around 20 people are expected.

9. FGVW Christmas Cards

Adrian will set up a stall in Chapel Allerton to sell Christmas cards and coasters on Saturday 9th December. Volunteers are required to take over later in the morning so Adrian can sing in the community choir. Adrian will pick up the tables, etc. from Joan and Mervyn on Friday and set up the stall at 9.30am on Saturday. Steve agreed to drop off the payment machine.

Steve has a printer to produce some new Christmas cards but needs digital images (JPEG) of topics associated with the woods covering any season. The Group were asked to spread the word and encourage the local community to take pictures.

10. AOB

  • David M gave some feedback he had received from people attending the community walks in the woods. There are metal bits sticking out of the top path that used to be part of the fencing that has been replaced. They are a trip hazard. The Group discussed who was responsible for removing the metal hazards and if the Group could increase the depth of the path with stone and sleepers to cover them up. The area is not very accessible due to the steepness. Martin and Mervyn agreed to set up a meeting with Ian from Potternewton Park to discuss how best to fix the problem.
  • David L has met with a local historian, Steven Burt, who has recently published a book on "The Remarkable Story of Hunslet". He wants to produce another book on the history of the Gledhow and Chapel Allerton areas. He is looking for local information and people to interview. The Group suggested a few names and have agreed to send any information that we have on to David to pass on.
  • Jeremy has been asked if gardens and the woods would benefit from coffee grounds. The local coffee shops are looking for places who can use the used coffee grounds. The Group did not think these were suitable for the Woods and there was a suggestion to approach the Allotments Society.
  • Martin shared an old photo of Gledhow Valley Woods.
  • Joan thanked David M for the hedgerow that had been planted behind the pond. She also asked if the deer was touring this year like last year but no one knew. She also suggested that the Group and Trustees looked into what would happen to the field if the Group disbanded or the Trustees/Members died. The Trustees had discussed this in the past and how the Group might attract younger members and also if it should be left to Wade's Charity. Everyone agreed that a succession plan needed to be put in place.

11. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 18 Dec 2022

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